Monday Makes & Finds: The Tiny Singer

Behold! The Tiny Singer.   
This little antique gem is as portable as it gets at roughly 12 in high & 10 wide.  

It is a tabletop model with a hand crank mechanism. 
(I mean, that is a gorgeous Art Deco Industrial design!!)
I'm afraid I don't know the year (I couldn't find a serial number), but it is a solid metal construction &, given the style, I would say it's from the 1920s.  
**New info: it's from 1910!!  It was marketed as a toy. :D See the link in the comments below.
Note: though I was sorely tempted, I did not make the Cottagecore blouse with this darling little Elf Machine.   I may test it out with something simpler though in the near future.  Maybe a 1920s project. . .


  1. Looks like a model 20 toy sewing machine

    1. I think that is exactly what this is!! Thank you for finding that. I love the ad, "it's not a toy, it's a real Singer"--except that it totally is a toy. Well, kinda like the training bra of sewing machines. :)


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